National Hamster Day

Yeah, I bet you didn’t know that this was an actual thing!! ;D

May 10th is official national hamster day!

Not the most widely known celebration but its right up with St. Patrick’s day I swear πŸ˜‰

National hamster dayNow unless you have a hamster yourself or just have an uncontrollable addiction to cuteness, then this day might not mean very much to you, but for me THIS IS HUGE!!! πŸ˜€

And seeing as there is barely any awareness of this incredibly important day, I struggled to find any sort of info on Google for it, I thought it was only fair to make a big fuss over it here!

This national day has gone UNNOTICED for too long!

Here is HamsterDiaries SCREAMING bout it from the rooftops!!! πŸ˜€
Pick up your adorable pet, whether they’re a hamster or not, and give them a massive squeeze!
Tell them you love them to bits!
Stroke the ticklish bit at the back of their neck or rub their bellys to show them your appreciation!

This is what this day is all about πŸ™‚ Love and cuddles for hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, mice, gerbils, dogs, cats, bunnys and all other manner of creature big or small!! πŸ˜€

Don’t forget to follow via email, all critters welcome, like and share and SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!! πŸ˜€
Also feel free to re-blog, spread the national hamster day love andΒ warmth!!!

Categories: animals, blogging, General, Hamsters, News, Pets, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “National Hamster Day

  1. Whee are going to tell efurryone on Twitter and share this post!

    Happy Hamster Day!

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

  2. Reblogging for my cute kitty cats n kittens; Oliver (almost 16), Colin (3), Captain Jack Flash (almost 6mth), & Miss Molly MooMoo (5.5mth) xXx

  3. Reblogged this on Photographic Opportunities and commented:
    Happy National Hamster Day 🐹

    • Yay! Happy national hamster day to everyone! May all the furries of the world be snuggled extra tightly in celebration πŸ™‚

  4. Im gonna put this on my youtube in 2017 youtube: Small furries

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