About Eve


Reason for Name:
Its a very pretty name for a very pretty hamster!
And she’s the first girl hammy I’ve ever owned so it fits!

Evie, Missy, Lady, Evie-poo


Date Bought:
1st June 2012

Cage Colour:

Breed of Hamster:

Not very heavy. (sorry I haven’t found my scales)

White, brown, goldey and ginger.

Calm and quiet but sometimes nervous.

Just about :P She was very well behaved from the first day to be honest!

I suppose yes. She hasn’t pee’d or pooped on anybody yet unlike a certain male hamster I know…

Best Feature:
Her beautiful speckled ears.
Or maybe its them hench muscles she has :P

Favourite Treat:
Dog treats (very lady-like I know)

Annoying Habit:
“Friendly” nibbling (‘Its a sign of affection babe.’ says my boyfriend. Mmmm, likely story *rolls eyes*)

Favourite Toy:
Bars of her cage; does that count as a toy?
If not then her tunnel.

Best Skill:
Building a very impressive little nest!

Favourite Hiding Place:
In her tunnel.

Most Active Time Of Day:

Gave Birth on:
19th July 2012 at 3:50pm

Litter size:

Sadly, none.

Best Photo (so far):

Date of Death:


18 thoughts on “About Eve

  1. Nurul Afiqah

    New one? Eve is a very beautiful name like her !

  2. Nurul Afiqah

    I’ll tag u if i post latest picture of them 🙂

  3. You are very talented young lady, I am most impressed with your blog, and you have cute hamsters too :).

  4. I LOVE the photos. I know I’ve said this before, but you’re a great photographer.

    • Hehe thank you! I have taken your advice by the way – about making some of these pictures into sellers 😛 Ordered in a few small bits to dip my toe in the water, see how things go and see where it goes from there! Thankyouu for inspiring me :))

  5. hannafs12

    How do you get hamster pics? I’m always trying, but my hamster is always moving around

  6. SleepyBee

    Oh wow, i love the pictures you took for your hammies! All of them are just adorable, and eve really is a beautiful little lady ^^ im curious, what kind of camera do you use for the pics?

  7. Katherine

    That’s so sad!! I bought my hamster as a male but she turned up as a female when she gave birth to 5 babies. They all survived and have reached about 1 and a half years old, the mother being nearly 2 years

  8. Faith

    I just love to look at your hamster pics because my hamster just died so when I look at your pics I feel better 🙂

    Thanks! -Faith

  9. Are female syrians less friendly as males?

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