Your Casper Catch Up

Casper the friendly ghost hamster is a very special so and so.
If you are new to this blog then you may be wondering what could possibly be so very special about this particular white syrian.
Well let me tell you..

Casper is a deaf, narcoleptic hamster.
(Gotta be one of the best sentences on the internet right?)

He can fall asleep at the click of a finger – well he might be able to if he could hear you but you get my drift.
There is even a mega-famous poem about his wondrous sleeping abilities..
cats sleep anywhere by Eleanor FarjeonYou get the idea.

I could post a wholeeeeee page of pictures of this little champ sleeping in allsorts of places but you’re busy people. You dont have all day so I shall work on that for the future πŸ˜‰

Now before when I used to blog religiously, Cas would provide me with most of my writing material. Casper the HamsterHe is the dopiest, most adorable little creature on the planet. What is there not to love about a sleeping cutie like him?!

Okay, okay I’ll stop raving about him now. He’s adorable, gottit?!

The last year has seen Casper really level out size wise. He used to be a bit of a chubby hamster but more recently he has become a more average looking ham. πŸ™‚
Another more recent change would be his night time antics. I have never had a massive problem with the hamsters at night before, I can usually muffle the noise of running out or silence the bar chewing but most nights, bothΒ hamsters are good as gold. For the last week or so there has been an almighty thumping coming from the cages and it turns out Casper has been trying to hide underneath his flying saucer causing it to crash about his cage.
The rascal.
But I can never stay mad at a cute face like his!!

I hope I have given you all a sufficient update on the hamsters. The more interesting stuff will come out in following posts so stay tuned πŸ˜€ Check back for updates orrrrr follow via email and then you never have to miss a trick πŸ™‚

Itll be like having a pet you never have to clean or walk or lose sleep over. But you still get to see lots of cuteness and hear about mischief all the time πŸ˜€
Do it, follow. πŸ˜€


Categories: animals, blogging, General, Hamsters, Pets | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Your Casper Catch Up

  1. Casper you are just too cute! ^_^

    Our hooman is wondering if you can do some cage tours to give Mummy ideas as she wants a Syrian hamster but she wants to get it right!

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

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