Monthly Archives: August 2015

What To Do When Your Hamster Dies

I get emailed a lot of questions, some I can answer privately and others I think hmmm other people might wanna read this to.
One of these emails was about what to do when you lose a pet hamster.
So to try and help, I have put together a little list of what I do when I lose a loved hammy.
I have lost lots of hamsters over my lifetime. Over the course of this blog alone, I lost my 3 hammy stars AND 13 beautiful baby hamsters.
If anyone can understand the grief of losing a pet, I can.


  1. Cry. Cry as much as you want to and feel the need to. Hamsters are little members of the family after all. They have been with you for years and when they pass away, it hurts! It is okay to cry and it helps to cry, so let it all out.
  2. Casper on my mousematPut all the pictures of your passed hammy up wherever you are. On your bedroom wall, on your school folders, on your work desk, anywhere!
    I have my favourite picture of Casper snuggled up asleep inside my blanket as my mousemat at work and pictures of all 3 of them on my electronic photo frame so every 30 minutes, I get to see a happy pic of my fur babies.
    Makes me smile every time. 🙂 ❤
  3. Make a memorial for them. Every hamster since I was a kid has been buried in my garden. There is a row of ceramic toadstools along the back fence in the garden so I can see where all of my pets have been laid to rest. Hamster Grave ToadstoolIts a lovely reminder 🙂 They are all different colours so I can recognise which hammy lays where.
    When the babies died, I planted an orchid for them in their memory.
    It was a beautiful plant and I thought it a fitting tribute for them.
    Plants and gravestones are a great way to distract you from the negative of losing a loved pet and a lasting tribute to their memory.
  4. Get a new hamster.
    It may seem drastic and the last thing you’d want to do but I promise you a new baby hamster is the perfect therapy. You get to have all the fur snuggles and a whole new personality to get to learn and love.
    Whenever you are ready and have grieved for your lost pet, I cant recommend enough the benefits of getting that cage all cleaned and sorted ready for a new furry-face. You can relive the great times of your lost pet, with a new one.Banjo the Hamster Offering a pet a new home is the most rewarding thing ever and it will keep you smiling, guaranteed!!
    You can tell your new fur baby all about their older brother/sister that has passed away. I found the whole experience of a new pet, the best remedy for a broken heart.
    Banjo is now my little rock – I couldn’t be without him.

Nothing and no one will replace your lost hamster and it really is the worst pain you can feel. But this doesn’t mean your world should crumble and end.
You just have to start a new chapter as difficult as it seems.

❤ Things WILL get better and your heart will mend, I promise you. ❤

Feel free to comment below on your fur babies that have passed over the rainbow bridge. We can have a little tribute xxxx

Categories: FAQs, Hamsters, Pets | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 29 Comments

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