Daily Archives: August 7, 2012

Do my cheeks look big in this?

What happens when you fill up your hamster food bowl with a heap of fresh, tasty new food?
They’ll stuff their faces of course!

I felt that an entire hammy-clean-out was in order after the past depressing few days. A clean and tidy new perspective on things could really help at a time like this! Especially when I am trying to think about things positively from here on out 🙂

So anyway back to my mundane hamster story 😉
I filled up Dexter’s food bowl and it was as if he hadn’t seen food in years! In he dived, nose first, and out poured the contents of his bowl. Nice to see he’s got such a huge appetite! I left him for a few moments to let him forage for the best bits and when I looked back I couldnt help but laugh and grab the camera :’)

My grasp of him looks a bit uncomfy but I assure you it wasnt. 

In the process of stuffing his cheeks with muesli and fruity bits, he managed to double the size of his head! Hahahah!
Pets bring such simple pleasures 🙂

I didnt see Dex empty his cheeks but all the food ended up in his bed – guess he’s all prepared for a midnight feast!!

How is Dexter coping with the loss of his bubbies?
Well basically as daddy syrian hamsters never meet their babies he has been unaffected by the whole scenario. There were a few occasions, mainly when the babies has just been born, where he sat upright and listened to the commotion across the room but never did he actually get to sniff and greet his children. Perhaps that was for the better anyway as things turned out. But I still like to think that Dexter was aware he was a daddy, and perhaps just that thought can remain in his head. Its not like I can tell him otherwise is it.

Sometimes thats the beauty of having a pet.
Tricky things, like death, dont have to be explained.

Eves update shall be tomorrow ❤

Categories: General, Hamsters, humor, Pets | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

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