And then there was CARROT.

Buying a treat for your hamster should never be a bank-breaking situation.
I am a terrible example of an owner because I get swept away in the moment of pet-supply-shopping and end up buying a load of stuff my hamster doesn’t really need and may use once or twice depending on its novelty.

When it comes to buying treats even, I have so far brought a bad of some chocolate drop thingys, which was about £1.50 for a big ole handful of them, and some sunflower seeds, after all they are the favourite!
These treats are all very nice and that but when I want to just give the hammys a nutritious treat I am stumped.
Buying a multipack of assorted vegetables for them to try is not only expensive for what I want, but it also goes bad before I even have time to feed it to them!  I cant shove 500g’s of healthy goodness into there bowls in an evening – they’ll die!

So whilst I was in the supermarket the other day, I picked up one of the loose carrots. Its something like 76p per kilo. I picked out a relatively small one (they are only small themselves) and took it to the checkout.
It cost me 4p. FOUR PENCE. Quatre. Vier. Dört. PENCE.
Apologies for my excitement over a 4p carrot but I am so used to buying everything in bulk I forget what small change looks like! 

Here is my bargain buy! A regular sized carrot for my little hammys to munch!
Anyone and everyone could afford this!

So anyways, I cut the carrot into two and put one in Eves cage and the other in front of Dexter as I had him out at the time.

Now Dexter is a funny little thing. He doesn’t like to eat outside of his cage. There’s way too much excitement around him to stop and eat something! Eve is similar but not quite as prude.
So anyway Dexter pretty much turned his nose up at it. He did give it a little lick, but then realised he was free and could explore the sofa which is way more exciting than veg.

We’ve left it in his cage since and almighty chunks have been eaten already so hes a secret carrot-lover!

Eve got the smaller end of the carrot. I put it in her food bowl and waited to watch her discover it. Well I couldnt not film the occasion and Im so glad I did because it was very amusing to watch. Tincy-wincy little Eve carrying a carrot too big for her across her cage was a sight for sore eyes! She has eyes too big for her belly that girl!

So anyway I put the clip on Youtube, with a bitta moosic, and here you have it; Eve with her carrot!

I guess this post was to show that even when money is tight, you can still afford to give your pets a little something 😀
(And 4p for a carrot?! Go and treat your rodent right now! I demand you to!)

Categories: animals, Care, General, Hamsters, humor, Love, Pets | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “And then there was CARROT.

  1. She’s a pelican in disguise! Very happy hammies 😀

  2. Since we live in America, I don’t know what 4p is, but I will venture to say its the BEST 4p you ever spent! Eve was so excited and so cute, I wanted to lick her head! I think it’s funny that your tiny hamsters eat big carrot hunks, and I am a 20 pound dog and I eat tiny little carrots the size of a baby’s pinky finger!

    Love and licks,

    • I attempted top look it up and i think its something like 6 american cents 😛 hahaha i felt that way too! Simple things please simple minds eh! 😛
      Hahaha, by a lick on her head do you mean get a taste of the lil hamster ;D Hahaha, see I would buy the diddy carrots, but you have to buy them in bulk and I get too many and end up throwing them away. So big-ger individual carrots are perfect!

  3. So sweet:))!!

  4. Whee LOVE LOVE LOVE carrots. Like you say, they are cheap, healthy snacks! Our Mummy gets cross when people say they can’t afford to buy their guinea pigs veggies. Whee are far happier with 4p carrot than nothing at all! Its not like whee are asking for Waitrose Organic Sliced Carrot Battons!!! 😉

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy

    • They are cheap – exactly! I hope your momma has given you lots of treaty’s today lil piggies 😛
      Exactly no hamster of mine is being spoilt (okay maybe that’s a lie – but you know what I mean) 😛 xxx

  5. I can relate, Chica. I don’t know if there is something to all those comments I hear about Chihuahuas being rodents. But we do have the love of carrots in common. Those beautiful, bouncy (Mom tosses them and I fetch) crunchy delights are my REGULAR favorite treat. Mom buys me the baby carrots and keeps them nice an cool for me in the fridge. They are just the right size, healthy, cheap and the bag goes a long, long way for us, not that it is so big they would go bad. I’m an accomplished snacker. So small creatures everywhere, raise your paws for Carrots and crunch away!

    • Awwwww I never realised chihuahuas were fans of carrots that’s brilliant:P learn something new every day haha 😛 hehehe a toast to the crunchy-carrot-crunchers of the globe 😛 hehe thanks for stopping by my little blog :)))

  6. Aww, adorable!! 😀

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